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Break free from Pornography one step at a time.



Whether you’ve struggled with your desire to use pornography for years and years or are just starting to recognise the negative impact your porn use is having on your life, I can help you find the tools and strategies to make lasting change.  You can feel healthier, ditch the shame, and ditch the stronghold of porn.

I’m Hannah, a UK counsellor / therapist and sex & porn specialist.   I’ve supported so many men through the journey towards living porn free lives, and now I’ve put the key tips I’ve used with so many of my clients into a digital guide, QuitPorn - First Steps to help you move in the direction of a porn free life.

You don’t have to be an addict to want to break free!

Find Clarity

Take a fresh look at how and why you’ve ended up with an unwanted desire to use porn.  With my QuitPorn First Steps Guide you’ll be able to find insight into the root causes of your pornography habit and understand what’s keeping you stuck.  Clarity is the first step towards lasting freedom.

Find Hope

You may have tried before to give up porn, even managed it for a length of time your proud of, but suddenly, it’s crept back in. I’ll give you actionable steps you can implement immediately to interrupt the cycle of urges and build habits which support you to achieve long term success.

Find Freedom

No matter where you are with your porn use, whether it’s daily, frequently, occasionally, or rarely, you can get intentional and take the first steps towards living a porn free life to feel empowered and in control as you realise lasting change is possible.  Button

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